![]() [Vient de Paraître] Deux articles analysant la méthode de recherche en partenariat développée dans le programme PSDR et un numéro spécial sur le foncier agricole: nouvel enjeu des politiques d’aménagement de l’espace 1. TORRE, André, WALLET, Frédéric, et HUANG, Jiao. A collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to knowledge-based rural development: 25 years of the PSDR program in France. Journal of Rural Studies, 2023, vol. 97, p. 428-437 A retrouver ici Abstract: The uneven rural development and the investigation of the place of rural areas in the modern knowledge-based economy raise an important question. How can we foster knowledge emergence and dissemination in peripheral areas that are often considered less innovative due to their remoteness and weak technological creativity? This paper aims to present the contributions of the French PSDR program to rural knowledge creation and dissemi- nation in France based on a comprehensive and synthetic analysis of its participatory research projects. We identify five key components of the knowledge-related PSDR approaches which have significantly contributed to rural innovation in France linked to (1) the governance of agricultural lands, (2) the territorial attractiveness and well-being, (3) the agroecological transition in the territories, (4) the territorialized food systems, as well as (5) the bioeconomy and circular economy. We emphasize the need to combine technological, organizational, and territorial innovation and involve local partners in the design and elaboration of research programs. Rural areas can thus produce new knowledge beneficial to local communities and transferable to other sectors or territories. Finally, we suggest a comprehensive territorial vision for knowledge-based rural development and discuss the importance of a national multidisciplinary and participatory research program. Key words: Rural development, Rural resilience, Knowledge economy, Territorial vision, Collaborative research, Multidisciplinary approach 2. TORRE, André et WALLET, Frederic. Innovative Governance and Participatory Research for Agriculture in Territorial Development Processes: Lessons from a Collaborative Research Program (PSDR). In : Landscape Agronomy: Advances and Challenges of a Territorial Approach to Agricultural Issues. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2022. p. 229-246. A retrouver ici Abstract: We analyze the contribution of the PSDR (For and About Regional Development, in French) program in the construction and diffusion of agricultural and rural development models. PSDR is the largest French research program focused on analysis of rural and peri-urban dynamics. It is designed as a process both for producing scientific knowledge and for building methods and tools for decision and action in territories within French administrative regions. We also analyze unique characteristics of PSDR research instruments and their integration in regional arrangements for research and action for regional development. We show what kind of knowledge is produced, how it raises questions about agricultural practices and rural development policies of administrative regions, and how these processes influence structuring networks and cognitive communities at local and interregional levels. In this way, we assess the innovative role of the PSDR program and draw conclusions about its influence on diffusion of organization standards and the transition process. The data used to perform our analysis consist of detailed knowledge of the PSDR program from our experience of managing it and documents produced by projects and action teams in each of the ten French administrative regions involved in the program. Keywords: PSDR program · Innovative governance · Agriculture · Ruraldevelopment · Partnership · Territorial development 3. Numéro spécial sur Economie Rurale N°383 (janvier-mars 2023) Le foncier agricole: Nouvel enjeu des politiques d’aménagement de l’espace A retrouver ici Ce numéro spécial a été pensé pour rendre compte de certains résultats des projets PSDR portant sur l’intégration progressive des enjeux multiples du foncier agricole (agri-alimentaires, environnementaux, économiques, paysagers…) dans les processus d’aménagement de l’espace. Il est issu du Symposium virtuel « Transitions pour le développement des territoires » qui s’est tenu du 28 au 30 octobre 2020 afin d’établir un bilan du programme PSDR4 (Pour et Sur le Développement Régional), financé par INRAE et dix régions françaises à partir de 2016, fondé sur des approches territoriale et partenariale. Introduction André Torre, Frédéric Wallet et Jiao Huang Le foncier agricole, nouvel enjeu des politiques d’aménagement de l’espace Mathieu Bonnefond et Romain Melot Note sur les travaux du Groupe transversal « Lien rural-urbain » (Programme PSDR4) Recherche Alain Guéringer Applications différenciées d’une politique foncière agricole : une lecture comparée des SDREA Territorial applications of an agricultural land policy: a comparative analysis of the “SDREAs” Marie Fournier et Mathieu Bonnefond Quels dispositifs d’action publique pour concilier gestion du risque d’inondation et activité agricole ? Études de cas sur le bassin de la Maine What public policy tools to conciliate flood risk management and farming? The case of the Maine river basin Grâce Kassis et Nathalie Bertrand Action collective foncière et émergence de projets agri-alimentaires dans le dispositif PAEN. Le cas de l’aire métropolitaine lyonnaise Collective action developing in farmland and the emergence of agri-food projects in the PAEN procedure—The case of Lyon Metropolitan Area Florence Pinton, Valentin Asselain et Juliette Sainclair Mettre en œuvre une agriculture de proximité : dynamiques foncières autour de l’installation de néo-agriculteurs en Île-de-France Implementing local agriculture. Land dynamics around the installation of neo-farmers in Île-de-France Christine Léger-Bosch et Mathilde Fromage Le portage foncier de terres agricoles au nom d’intérêts publics et collectifs : une diversité d’arrangements institutionnels Carrying agricultural land in the name of public and collective interests: a diversity of institutional arrangements Antoine Ouvrard et Alain Guéringer La raison de la donnée est toujours la meilleure : de l’utilisation des fichiers fonciers pour quantifier les dynamiques spatiales Using tax data to quantify spatial dynamics: precaution required